Archive for Jokes

Winter Jokes

Q: What do you hear when a snowman enters a haunted house?
A: Ice screams!

Q: What do snowmen eat for lunch?
A: Icebergers!

Q: What do snowmen like to do on the weekend?
A: Chill out.

Q: What activity does Jack Frost like best about school?
A: Snow and tell.

Q: What did one snowman say to the other snowman?
A: Do you smell carrots?

Thanksgiving Jokes

Q: What smells the best at a Thanksgiving dinner?
A: Your nose!

Q: Why did the police arrest the turkey?
A: They suspected it of fowl play!

Q: Who was the drummer in the Thanksgiving band?
A: The turkey, because he had the drumsticks!

Q: If the Pilgrims were alive today, what would they be most famous for?
A: Their age!

Q: What happened when the turkey got into a fight?
A: He got the stuffing knocked out of him!

Q: Why should you never set the turkey next to the desert?
A: Because he will gobble, gobble it up!

Circus Life – By Rick Struve

Rick has given me permission to publish his cartoons on Just For Clowns. Please don’t reprint without Rick’s permission. To contact Rick, email: richstruve -at-

Circus Life by Rick Struve

Circus Life by Rick Struve

Halloween Jokes

Q: Why don’t witches like to ride their brooms when they’re angry?
A: They’re afraid of flying off the handle.

Q: Where do baby ghosts go during the day?
A: Dayscare centers

Q: Who did Frankenstein take to the prom?
A: His ghoul friend.

Q: What monster flies his kite in a rain storm?
A: Benjamin Frankenstein

Q: What’s a monster’s favorite play?
A: Romeo and Ghouliet

Q: What’s a haunted chicken?
A: A poultry-geist

Circus Life – By Rick Struve

Rick has given me permission to publish his cartoons on Just For Clowns. Please don’t reprint without Rick’s permission. To contact Rick, email: richstruve -at-

Circus Life by Rick Struve

Circus Life by Rick Struve

Corny Jokes

Q: Why didn’t anyone laugh at the gardener’s jokes?
A: Because they were too corny!

Q: Why shouldn’t you tell a secret on a farm?
A: Because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears.

Q: How is an ear of corn like an army?
A: It has lots of kernels.

Q: What does Baby Corn call his father?
A: “Pop” corn.

Q: When is a corn like a quiz?
A: When it is popped.

Circus Jokes

Q: How do lions like their meat cooked?
A: Medium Roar!

Q: Why can’t clown noses be 12 inches long?
A: Because then they would be a foot.

Q: Why did the clown eat a dollar bill?
A: It was her lunch money.

Q: Why did the clown cover his ears when he walked by the hen house?
A: He didn’t want to hear the fowl language.

Q: Why are circus performers called artists?
A: Because they can draw crowds!

Q: Why did the lion eat the tightrope walker?
A: He wanted a well-balanced meal!

Q: What happened to the kid who ran away with the circus?
A: The police made him bring it back.

Q: Which circus performers can see in the dark?
A: The acro-bats!

Q: Did you hear about the human cannonball?
A: He got fired!

Q: How do you raise a baby elephant?
A: With a fork lift!

Dog Days of Summer Jokes

I know that officially, summer doesn’t start for a few days, but we are expecting a heat wave, so I figured it would be a good time for a few jokes related to the dog days of summer…

Q: What happens when it rains cats and dogs?
A: You have to be careful not to step on a poodle.

Q: What’s worse than raining cats and dogs?
A: Hailing taxis!

Q: What animal keeps the best time?
A: A watch dog!

Q: What type of markets do dogs avoid?
A: Flea markets!

Q: What did the dog say when he sat on sandpaper?
A: Ruff!

Q: What happened to the dog that gave birth to puppies at the side of the road?
A: She got a ticket for littering!

Giggle Blossom the Clown Answers Questions

Giggle Blossom the Clown has kindly answered a list of Clown Questions about what it is like being a Clown Entertainer. Giggles reveals the size of Clowns feet, what is takes to become a Clown and what her funniest clown joke is. Watch this clown video for some real chuckles.

Back to School Jokes

Q: Why was school easier for cave people?
A: Because there was no history to study!

Q: Why did the teacher need to wear sunglasses at school?
A: Because she had bright students!

Q: What’s the king of all school supplies?
A: The ruler.

Q: What is the chemical formula for water?
A: H-I-J-K-L-M-N-O. (H to O)

Q: What’s the difference between a teacher and a train?
A: A teacher says, “Spit out that gum!” and a train says, “Chew! Chew!”